Another amazing Crick Boat Show this year, with some truly beautiful boats.
It was a pleasure to produce the 66ft Sheerline Josher Tug Shell and to work along with Braidbar Boats, who won Favourite Boat in Show Crick 2023.
Our inland waterways offer a unique opportunity to enjoy lifes pleasures at a slower pace, to immerse yourself in nature and to find time for both adventure and peaceful relaxation.
For more than 35 years the Tim Tyler Boats have been helping individuals realise their dream of their life afloat. Our elegant, handcrafted steelwork has formed the basis of numerous award winning boats.
Our website will help you explore some of these previous projects and inspire you as you plan your own life afloat.

Dream it.
Build it.
Enjoy it.
Why not try the slower pace of life aboard a narrowboat for a short break or longer holiday. We have available 3 hire boats from Trinity Boats Limited, where you can experience the joys of being on board a luxurious boat. Please contact Trinity Boats to book a slot on one of our Trip Boats - Poppy, Daisy or Sunflower, amongst others available from Trinity Boats.